Lorenz Cornelisen

Here you'll find the newest songs, concert dates, news and more!

Lorenz Cornelisen

Here you'll find the newest songs, concert dates, news and more!

Lorenz Cornelisen

Here you'll find the newest songs, concert dates, news and more!

Lorenz Cornelisen

Here you'll find the newest songs, concert dates, news and more!

Lorenz Cornelisen

Here you'll find the newest songs, concert dates, news and more!

Lorenz Cornelisen

Here you'll find the newest songs, concert dates, news and more!

Lorenz Cornelisen

Here you'll find the newest songs, concert dates, news and more!

My love for San Francisco is still as strong as it ever was. 
During my 14 years living in the Bay Area, I got to meet many fantastic musicians.
I am still in touch with many of them and throughout the years we have managed to continue to write and play music together - thanks to great technologies. 
So please keep checking for some more great projects ... :)



The recordings for the new studio album with “Alles Gold” are finished - now it's time to mix! It took a long time, but now we can see the light at the end of the tunnel! Mega songs and a great production - it was all worth it. In the meantime we have grown by one more band member. With a strong backing vocal, everything gets even more volume and makes the planning for the upcoming live shows even more exciting. We're all very excited that it's about to start. We've also been working on a website - this will also go live soon - social media, photos... 
Rejoice with us. 😃

The recordings for a new studio album with the "new band" are in full swing... Nevertheless, it will probably take until summer 2023 until the first songs can be heard officially. We are writing, arranging and the first 6 tracks are in the can.